Drowned In Sound


Brett Anderson (2007)

Love is Dead
Enjoyable multi-formatted first solo single from former Suede star, Brett Anderson

Brett Anderson (2007)

Brett Anderson
Eclectic and subtly versatile debut solo album from former Suede and Tears front man, Brett Anderson

Brett Anderson (2008)
Brett Anderson - Wilderness

Stripped down and decent second solo CD from former Suede frontman, Brett Anderson

Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton (2007)
Emily Haines and the Soft Skeleton - Knives Don't Have Your Back

Knives Don't Have Your Back
Delicate and downbeat piano-based solo album from metric singer Emily Haines which doesn't really start going until its second half

Stills (2007)
Stills - Without Feathers

Without Feathers
Rewarding second album from the Stills, which finds them moving away from their art rock roots and developing a country sound