

Aix Em Klemm (2001)

Aix Em Klemm
One summer night, I fell asleep listening to Labradford. The next morning I didn't remember a damn thing, nor did I ever listen to Labradford again. Maybe it was because of their name, which sounds l

Benoît Pioulard (2006)
Benoît Pioulard - Précis

Atmospheric drone-influenced post rock on debut album from Benoît Pioulard, the solo project of Michigan-based musician Thomas Meluch

Godspeed You Black Emperor (2001)
Godspeed You Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Antennas To Heaven

Lift Your Skinny Fists Antennas To Heaven
Godspeed You Black Emperor first achieved notoriety last year after their slot at the Bowlie Weekender festival. They currently comprise of nine members who do not give their surnames and who live